Dr. J. Steven Banks DDS - Logo
3440 Bell St., Suite 230
Amarillo, Texas 79109


(Root Canals)

Root Canal

Dentist and patient Image by Reto Gerber from Pixabay

If the pulp (nerves and blood supply) inside of a tooth becomes inflamed or infected, it can cause damage to the surrounding tissue and bones. If that happens, the tooth may need to be removed.

Endodontic treatement (root canal) will heal the infection and save the tooth. A small opening is made in the chewing surface of the tooth, and the pulp tissue is removed with small rotary files. The canal space is disinfected, shaped, and filled with a sealer. The root itself is not removed. The tooth may then need an onlay or crown for strength. This can usually be completed in one visit. 

A tooth that has been properly restored in this way can last for many years. It is important to continue to maintain tooth health with regular clearning and dental exams.

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